DFW Chapter of National Association of Women Business Owners, Second Monday of the month 11:30-1. For location and other info call 214-428-7475 or go to nawbotx.org
Fort Worth Women's Business Center Breakfast, Tuesdays, 7 a.m., Holiday Inn, N. I-35 and Meacham Blvd, 871-6025 or fwbac.com/bac/bac/calendar.htm
Women's Roundtable Networking, Tuesdays 8-9 a.m., 1150 S. Freeway, #2, 871-6025. No reservations needed.
Business Referral Group, Wednesdays, 11:30, Ramada Plaza, 1701 Commerce Street, downtown Fort Worth. Call Diana Dugan, 336-2491 #258
Women's Coaching, sponsored by the Fort Worth Women's Business Center, 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month only, 11 a.m., Business Assistance Center. Contact 871-6025 or go to fwbac.com
The Woodrose Mastermind Group, Thursdays, business related focus group, 4-5:30 p.m., Woodrose Company, Inc., 3531 Alta Mere Drive, $5.00, 377-4477.
Fort Worth Women's Business Center Breakfast, Tuesdays, 7 a.m., Holiday Inn, N. I-35 and Meacham Blvd, 871-6025 or fwbac.com/bac/bac/calendar.htm
Women's Roundtable Networking, Tuesdays 8-9 a.m., 1150 S. Freeway, #2, 871-6025. No reservations needed.
Business Referral Group, Wednesdays, 11:30, Ramada Plaza, 1701 Commerce Street, downtown Fort Worth. Call Diana Dugan, 336-2491 #258
Women's Coaching, sponsored by the Fort Worth Women's Business Center, 2nd and 4th Wed. of each month only, 11 a.m., Business Assistance Center. Contact 871-6025 or go to fwbac.com
The Woodrose Mastermind Group, Thursdays, business related focus group, 4-5:30 p.m., Woodrose Company, Inc., 3531 Alta Mere Drive, $5.00, 377-4477.