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Exported Funeral Arrangements

Important Information For Using This Exported File From Will Workshop
WARNING: The purpose of this text file is to allow you to print your documents should there be an incompatibility between Will Workshop and your printer. If you do not have a printing problem, you should print your documents using Will Workshop, not this export file.
Do not change the language in any of your documents. If you change the wording of your documents or print them incorrectly, you risk creating problems with their validity.
A. If You Saved Your Document As A Rich Text Format (RTF) File
1. Comparing Your Exported File With Will Workshop's Version
As you read the instructions below, you may need to compare your exported document with the version that you can display in Will Workshop's Print Preview screen. See Part 6 of the Will Workshop Users' Manual for instructions on how to display and print your completed documents using the Print Preview screen.
If you plan on using WordPad or another word processor that does not support page breaks, footer and headers to print your exported RTF file, please read "If You Saved Your Document As An ASCII Text (TXT) File," below.
2. Insert Page Breaks Before Signature Lines, If Necessary
Pay careful attention to the page breaks when you print out your legal documents. This is particularly true of signature lines at the end of your documents, as discussed in "//// MAY APPEAR AT THE END OF A PAGE" in Part 6, Section A, of the Users' Manual. The page breaks in your exported document should match the ones that Will Workshop automatically inserts when you display the documents (see above). If you export an RTF file and open it in Microsoft Word, page breaks are inserted automatically.
Be sure to compare the page breaks in your exported file with those displayed in Will Workshop's Print Preview screen and, if necessary, edit your export file to match it.

B. If You Saved Your Document As An ASCII Text (TXT) File
1. Save Each Document Separately
This text file may contain several individual documents, including the legal document you selected to print, related legal documents, important notes about signing your documents, as well as this information about using exported files.
If there are multiple files, we recommend that you separate the individual documents and save each as a different file, so that the page numbering and footers will be correct for each document when you print them out. To see where to separate the individual documents in this file, you'll need to return to Will Workshop to display the completed document. See Part 6 of the Will Workshop Users' Manual for instructions on how to display and print your completed documents. To make separate files, do the following for each document in this text file:
1. Select the contents of the document and copy it.
2. Create a new file.
3. Paste the copied text into the new file.
4. Save it with a new file name.
See the manual that came with your word processing or text editing software if you do not know how to create new files or copy and paste text.
2. Insert Page Breaks
Pay careful attention to the page breaks when you print out your legal documents. The page breaks should match the ones that Will Workshop automatically inserts when you display the documents (see above). If you export to a TXT file, your exported document will have no page breaks--you must insert them yourself.
3. Add Footers for Page Numbers
For some documents, it is important that you insert the document name and page number at the bottom of each page. Will Workshop inserts this footer into all documents that require it. The non-legal documents--such as some simple letters, the signing instructions or these instructions re using exported files--do not require numbered pages. To see whether a particular document should have this footer, you'll need to return to Will Workshop to display the completed document. See Part 6 of the Will Workshop Users' Manual for instructions on how to display and print your completed documents.
If you export to a TXT file, your exported document will have no footer--you must insert them yourself. You can copy and then paste the following text into the document as you format it:
________________________________ Page _____
If you export an RTF file and open a document that requires a footer in Microsoft Word, this footer is created automatically.

INSTRUCTIONS: Final Arrangements
Before You Sign
There are a couple of important steps to take before you finalize your Will Workshop document and put it to use.
Make Sure You're Using the Current Version of Will Workshop
We've done our best to ensure that this program is bug-free and legally up to date. Nonetheless, problems can arise, and laws do change. When our users report problems, we try to quickly fix the program. In addition, we update our software to reflect changes in the law when necessary. If you haven't done so in the past month, run the Web Update feature to make sure that you're using the most recent version of this program before you finalize your document.
To run Web Update, open the Online menu and choose Web Update. Then, follow the instructions that appear on screen. After you've updated the program, you can safely print and sign your documents.
Review Your Document
Read your final arrangements document carefully. Is everything printed as you intended? Do you understand the meaning of every word?
After You Sign
Keep your final arrangements document in a safe place, where it can be readily found. You may want to make photocopies for people whom you want to be aware of your wishes.
A Note About Document Formatting
In some Will Workshop documents, hash marks [////] automatically appear at the bottom of a page. These marks are both a precaution and a legal necessity. In many legal documents, it is a requirement that a few lines setting out something of substance appear on the same page as the signatures. In others, the signatures, or sometimes other material, must simply be kept together on one page. These formatting requirements may result in a page break that leaves less than a full page of text on one or more pages of a document. The hash marks prevent someone from inserting additional language into the blank spaces after you have signed the document.
Will Workshop Doesn't Provide Legal Advice
Nolo, provider of legal content for Will Workshop, publishes legal forms that are useful in many situations. But we can't tell you whether or not a form is right for you, given your circumstances. If you want advice geared to your specific situation, consult an expert. No general legal form is a substitute for personalized advice from a knowledgeable lawyer licensed to practice law in your state.
Will Workshop Deluxe 2004 version 3.0
Final Arrangements version
Copyright 2003 by Nolo
Date printed: April 17, 2005 Time: 04:10AM
Final Arrangements for Terri Denise Rimmer
I request that the following instructions and preferences be honored after my death:
Part 1. Body Donation
I have not made arrangements to donate my whole body.
Part 2. Organ Donation
I have indicated I'm a donor on my driver's license.
Part 3. Cremation Instructions
A. Mortuary or Crematorium
Greenwood, University Boulevard S., Fort Worth, TX 76107
B. Embalming
I do not wish to be embalmed.
C. Casket
No casket
D. Pre-cremation Ceremony
Memorial service to be held at Celebration Church, 908 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76102.
Significant other, friends, family, my dog, employer, co-workers, and colleagues to be invited.
Readings to include this quote from Vincent Van Gogh - "The best way to know life is to love many things;" A phrase from the "24 Hours a Day" book - "In that early quiet time gain a calm strong confidence in the goodness and purpose in the universe;" and the 3rd Step Prayer from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous under the "How It Works" Chapter (Chapter 5).
Prayers to be The Lord's Prayer, St. Francis of Assissi Prayer, and the 7th Step Prayer as found in the "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" book in Chapter 7.
Letters to include "What Is Love" written for my daughter, McKenna, which her adoptive mom, Vicki Lookingbill has; this quote from Henry David Thoreau - "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life that you have imagined;" and this quote from a greeting card my sister Cindy once gave me - "Keep going, keep growing, keep a dream in your heart."
Music to include "God Is Watching Us" by Bette Midler," from 1991; "I've Loved These Days" by Billy Joel, and "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan from her CD Fumbling Towards Ecstasy.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Lung Association or the American Cancer Society.
Eulogies to be delivered by my sister, Cindy Persico, best friend, Stephanie Weatherford, and Gwen Miles.
E. Witness to Cremation
Cindy Persico
F. Where and How To Scatter Cremated Remains
St. Simons Island in the water
G. Memorial Ceremony
No preference.
Part 4. Person to Oversee My Wishes
I want Cindy Persico to oversee the plans I've set out in this document. If Cindy Persico can't serve or be reached when necessary, I want Stephanie Weatherford to oversee my plans.
I, Terri Denise Rimmer, declare that I have read these instructions and that they accurately reflect my wishes for final arrangements after my death.

Terri Denise Rimmer

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