By Terri Rimmer
Today was the day she stopped taking it.
Stopped being kicked around, punched in the gut, and driven to the bottom of the barrel, settling for crumbs.
She treated her dog better than she let people treat her.
The phone had rang too early that morning. As she heard the machine pick up and the dreaded expectation and realization of her new publisher’s voice come across the tape she told herself she would not pick it up.
She did not want to deal with this woman today.
Today was the day she stopped taking it.
Stopped being kicked around, punched in the gut, and driven to the bottom of the barrel, settling for crumbs.
She treated her dog better than she let people treat her.
The phone had rang too early that morning. As she heard the machine pick up and the dreaded expectation and realization of her new publisher’s voice come across the tape she told herself she would not pick it up.
She did not want to deal with this woman today.