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Friday, February 10, 2006

Beware of Disaster Scams: In the wake of Hurricane Wilma and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, as well as the Asian earthquake, we wanted to remind you that whenever there is a major natural or other disaster, scammers begin sending out charity relief scams within just a couple of hours!

The number of Hurricane Wilma scams is growing extremely quickly. We want to help you make sure you don't get a computer virus, and that any donations you make go to hurricane victims -- not scammers. So click here to check out the info on the many different types of disaster scams out there -- and since Hurricane Katrina scams, were the most prevalent, we have focused our info on these types of scams on this page. You'll also find out how to protect yourself, and how you can best help hurricane victims from all three hurricanes...

On a Lighter Note (If You'd Like a Chuckle): You know a scam is pervasive when Ziggy gets taken. ;-)

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Spunkball Warning
Is the email about the spunkball warning true -- or is it an urban legend or hoax?

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"What are the best ways to protect yourself against getting scammed online?"

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Home Security: What to Do if a Burglar Breaks into Your Home
Home security tips for dealing with intruders when you're home: Internet ScamBusters™ #72

Work At Home Jobs: How to Avoid Getting Scammed
What to do so you don't get taken by common work at home job scams: Internet ScamBusters #62

Identity Theft
Understanding and avoiding identity theft: Internet ScamBusters #47

Nigerian Scam
About the Nigerian scam (Nigerian advanced fee scam): Internet ScamBusters™ #11

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