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Showing posts from March, 2006

Diary of a Birth Mom Part 2

Anniversaries 01-Dec-2000 My little girl went to the G.I. specialist yesterday but I haven't heard anything. She's only eight pounds and won't eat much. I worry about her constantly. 02-Dec-2000 I'm kind of down. I went to a birthday party. My little girl's okay - 9 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces, thank God! I felt happy for the first time in a long time earlier tonight but now it's gone. 03-Dec-2000 My little girl's adoptive brother put Mr. Potato Head glasses on her! I feel so grateful today. I know she's happy. 09-Dec-2000 I'm working on a book proposal for my journal, written in novel format and with a lot more detail. I got depressed after buying my little girl's Christmas present - a "Little House on the Prairie" book. I joined the gym at work. Yesterday I had five years sober. 13-Dec-2000 Snowed in. I'm finally not obsessing about my daughter. Although she's on my mind, it's not the throbbing, all consuming obsession it has bee...

Diary of a Birth Mom

Why can't God and I just have lunch? Terri Rimmer Page 1 of 11 next >> email article to friend printer friendly version most popular articles read comments review article add to favorites 17-Jan-2000 I found out Jan. 2 I'm pregnant and was shocked. I moved into Gladney where I've decided to live. I pray for self-forgiveness for what I'm about to do. I moved in today having made the agonizing decision to give you up for adoption. I picked up my four-year medallion the other day at my AA meeting. My sister decided not to raise you after I asked her initially. My friend Jan and my boss think I should raise you. My friend Sheryl says all this will bring me closer to God. Why can't God and I just have lunch? 18-Jan-2000 I had dorm orientation tonight. Andrea in Admissions gave me a sweet card. I got to talk to the doctor. Tomorrow I meet the Transitional Care staff person and move my furniture to storage. I f...


Arts & Entertainment Non-profit dance school helps students Terri Rimmer Students from the JP Elder Saturday Fine Arts program perform with puppets as part of the El Dia de los Muertos celebration Updated: 07/30/05 By Terri Rimmer Happynews Citizen Journalist The non-profit Contemporary Dance school in Fort Worth marks their 15th year doing educational outreach programs. "When we started this organization there was no professional modern dance company in Fort Worth and there never had been," said Kerry Kreiman, executive/artistic director and co-founder of Contemporary Dance. "We felt like part of our mission was to educate people and provide opportunities. We wanted for artists in the area to have more regular and reliable venues to perform in for the modern art dance artists that work here so education has been a really important part of what we have done all along." According to Kreiman, most people in the country are not familiar with modern dance, either ...

My sister wrote this in 2003

“How My Cat Taught Me About A Higher Power” By Cindy Persico Like most of us I struggle with the concept of “Higher Power” or H.P. and my understanding has grown thankfully over the years that on most days I can feel centered and well-cared for by this Higher Power thanks to Alanon. That isn’t always the case. In 2003 my brother-in-law was killed in a car accident. Watching my sister, Joy, struggle with her grief has been particularly painful and has called into question again how to make sense out of things that seem so senseless. What good can come from this? Hello, God, Are you still there? Will you take care of Joy? She’s so scared and sure this isn’t what should be happening at all. One day I had to take Eunice, my cat, to the vet. She shivered, and shook, and cried, certain this couldn’t possibly be what should be happening at all. I reassured her as best I could; yet again had a flash that this is exactly how life feels sometimes. I’m sure that whatever is happening is all wrong...

Courtroom Sketch Artist

Sketch artist drew history unfolding Courtroom Sketch: Gary Myrick :: Paula Jones, accuser of President Clinton, with boyfriend (left) and attorney, as sketched by Gary Myrick By Happynews Staff Updated: 07/14/05 [Full Story Below ↓] By Terri Rimmer Happynews Citizen Journalist His sketches tell a story with the stroke of a pencil, unfolding the history of some of the most well-known U.S. trials. Gary Myrick, an accomplished courtroom sketch artist who grew up in Fort Worth, has drawn scenes from trials such as the Darlie Routier trial to the infamous 1979 Cullen Davis murder trial. Myrick's work dates back nearly 30 years and includes the 1981 trials of Vicki Daniels, a spouse-murderer, the trial of Cullen Davis, who allegedly murdered his ex-wife's lover, and the courtroom events surrounding Paul Fielding, a former Forth Worth City Councilman now in prison after pleading guilty for mail fraud and extortion. Myrick was also hard at work during the famous Branch Davidian incide...

Collecting Magazines and Other Weird Collections

READ LATER COMMENT E-MAIL PRINT Collecting Magazine Articles and Other Weird Collections From the Strange to the Technical Click to rate: Bad Good Published Jan 12, 2006 by Terri Rimmer, Related Content View all (6 total) Collectible Display Cases for Your Wall Organic Gardening Magazine is for All ... Beginning a Career as a Freelance Writer More by Terri Rimmer View all (235 total) Letter to My Daughter The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Inspir... EZH2: Enzyme That Promotes Cancer May Also Pr... Did you know? There are collectible online communities. Takeaways · Danny collects Muppets items. · Barbara Crews is a guide for a collectibles website. · Sid Sackson is a traditionalist. Comment | Add your own article to our site Some people collect old toys, others Barbie collectibles. I have been collecting articles from Glamour and Cosmopolitan Magazines since 1982, not keeping them all, of course, but passing some of them on ...

Camp Broncho

Camp Broncho Helps Kids Breathe Easy Camp Broncho :: Counselor and campers at Camp Brocho smile for the camera. By Terri Rimmer Updated: 07/22/05 [Full Story Below ↓] This story was written by Citizen Journalist Terri Rimmer. We encourage you to click the Tip Jar to support this writer's work. By Terri Rimmer Happy News Citizen Journalist For some time at the end of July, asthmatic children can forget about their struggle to breathe and enjoy fun in the sun at Camp Broncho. Located in Texas just outside Dallas-Fort Worth, Camp Broncho offers kids ages seven to 14 an opportunity to experience the fun of outdoor camp despite the challenges of living with severe asthma. Sponsored by the American Lung Association, Camp Broncho is a medically supervised 24-hour-a-day camp, staffed by asthma specialists, pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, nurses, and other health care professionals. Activities include canoeing, archery, arts and crafts, swimming, "water wars," danc...

In Memory of My Cat

Chaplin, my cat, passed away March 6, 2006 at the age of 14. He would've been 15 in April. I got him when he was two.

Battling GERD

READ LATER COMMENT E-MAIL PRINT Battling GERD Click to rate: Bad Good Published Jan 17, 2006 by Terri Rimmer, More by Terri Rimmer View all (240 total) Playing the Game Truth or Dare Candlelight Meetings Donors Help Texas Fire Victims Wishes Collecting Magazine Articles and Other Weird ... Letter to My Daughter The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Inspir... EZH2: Enzyme That Promotes Cancer May Also Pr... Bars, Live Music and Nightlife in Fort Worth Did you know? The prescription Prilosec costs $132 without insurance? Takeaways · GERD is a backflow of acid from the stomach. · Recent stats show seve million people suffer from GERD. · GERD affects people of every class. Comment | Add your own article to our site When my mom used to get indigestion I used to think "What's the big deal?" Now, having suffered with something like severe indigestion I have a new appreciation for what she went through. I have GERD (Gast...